Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Excerpt from Chapter 10, "The Dead Man Speaks"

As Merrick Stonehorn stood in the back of the crowd gathered in the courtyard, he watched Hadrick Burgoyne emerge onto the wooden dais erected before the Keep's main entrance. An entourage of sycophantic advisers and attendants surrounded the fat, grey-haired man whose clothes were needlessly regal beyond the occasion. Despite Burgoyne's physical size, Merrick considered him to be the smallest man he'd ever met.

The ruler began speaking to the assembled crowd – it was a monthly ritual. His speeches were flowery and puffed up civic decrees that had little substance but were intended to remind the citizenry that he was still in charge.

Merrick sensed someone was watching him. A short, wiry man with brown, expressionless eyes emerged from behind a food vendor's cart, stood next to the giant innkeeper, and said, "His speech is especially interesting today, don't you think?"

Both men kept their eyes toward the fat man on the dais as they conversed. The big man shrugged his shoulders and said, "'Interesting' isn't the word I would choose."

Rinn discretely glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot. "I'd say he's doing a good job for a dead man."

"I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean I want to see him dead."

"Too late."

Merrick gazed nonchalantly toward the shorter man standing next to him. He caught a glimpse of a rare smile from the rogue.

"We need to talk. You know where," Rinn muttered before fading back and disappearing amongst the vendor carts.

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